Ayurveda Coaching, Yoga Health Coaching, Thai Massage

The Exorbitant Price you Pay for Gas

gas price

Nope, I am not talking about the gas you put in your car’s gas tank. I am talking about the gas that comes out your rear end. For some people it happens a lot, for some nice and quiet, others embarrass themselves with deadly smells…. whatever it is for you, gas is not right no matter what form.

Gas is a widespread issue, probably even more so than research could ever show. Even when asked, folks might not tell the truth about their flatulence issues. It’s too embarrassing!!

Sure, the body does produce gasses. It’s natural to some degree. The colon is the main seat for Vata dosha (the air and ether element). If Vata increases in the colon due to eating Vata aggravating foods, cold weather, anxiety, insomnia and other factors, gases may build up. Passing a gentle form of gas a couple times per day is normal but when there is discomfort, bloating, the desperate suppression of passing it because you find yourself in public or the embarrassing moment because you could not hold it back – it’s time to take a look at it.

According to Ayurveda

You should never suppress natural urges. In the Caraka Samhita, which is an ancient text on Ayurvedic medicine, it says:

“One should not suppress the natural urges relating to urine, feces, semen, flatus (that’s the gas we are talking about), vomiting, sneezing, eructation, yawning, hunger thirst, tears, sleep and breathing caused by overexertion”.

Chapter VII, verse 3-4

If one suppresses the urge for passing flatus, this causes retention of feces, urine, distension of abdomen, pain, exhaustion and other abdominal diseases due to the vitiation of Vata.

Chapter VII, verse 12-13

In other words, gas can lead to a lot more than just a fleeting moment of passing the wind.

If you think the expounding on gas from the ancient text is a bit dry and you need a bit more of a juicy explanation then read on. Here is the thing…. Having a lot of gas is a sign that you are not absorbing your nutrients well. One of the reasons gas is produced is a by-product of the breakdown of food. It is worse if you eat a lot of Vata aggravating foods like popcorn, crackers, or bread which inherently are comprised of a lot of air. The equation goes like this:

Gas= Malabsorption

You must remember that your cells are made up of the substances you ingest. If you don’t absorb your food well, you will have poor tissue formation. The equation continues:

Malabsorption = Low Quality Tissue

If your tissues, which are made of individual cells, are low quality the work each cell does will also be low quality leading to low immunity. The equation continues like this:

Low-Quality Tissue = Lowered Immunity

Now go back to the beginning and remember we started out with gas. So the equation ultimately goes:

Gas = Lowered Immunity

… which makes you more susceptible to disease.

And that, dear friend… Is the exorbitant price you pay for gas.