Inspiration für Dich und Deinen Wunschalltag
Und hier ist die #1 Grund, warum das ist so… Als ich zum ersten Mal ein tiefes Eintauchen in das Thema der Wechseljahre nahm, dachte ich mir: wäre es nicht schön, ein positives Angebot rund um Wechseljahre mit meinen Frauen-Kunden zu teilen. Nun, das Problem war, eine positive Zitat war hart, vorbei zu kommen. 95 % der Nachrichten, die ich gefunden wurden entweder negativ oder sarkastisch. Überprüfen Sie sie heraus: “nächste Stimmungsumschwung in 6 Minuten, Angst, gr
Menopause marks the death of your old Self and rebirth of your new Self. It is a portal for transformation in pretty much every woman’s life. While the first part of life is all about accumulation – think finances, house, husband, children, stuff, career – the second half of life is all about simplification. Letting go of stuff, relationships, outdated belief systems, emotional and bodily toxins becomes crucial in this phase of life. Detoxing on all those levels clears the path to your future s
Catie and I beat the words on herbs for menopause. Herbs are powerful helpers to realign our physiology especially when you find yourself in crisis mode. Whether you are struggling with weight gain, brain fog, hot flashes, exhaustion, stress, anxiety… you name it… herbs are here to help. They not only bring the physical body back to base, but also your mind and emotions. What you get from tuning in * how herbs assist in lessening menopausal symptoms * the effect of herbs on the mental, emo
Liz Young shares her personal story of how she turned a most dreadful menopause around and found peace in her body again. A few years ago, Liz shifted drastically from peri-menopause to menopause. She was struggling with extreme bleeding to the point of calling the hospital, terrible brain-fog, out of control hot flashes, fatigue and dreadful episodes of depression. The doctor prescribed an IUD and a combination of hormones – testosterone, progesterone and estrogen – which left her 30 pounds h
The way we treat ourselves during pregnancy and postpartum has profound implications on how we transition through menopause. Ashlee and I chat about the effect of nourishment or lack thereof during the powerful event of giving birth and how it shows up during the next natural, major transition for women we call menopause. In our modern culture, we do not support women to rest and nourish themselves after childbirth. In fact, the superwoman archetype is glorified which leads to major depletion f
Tracey was obsessed about menopause. It is all she could talk about once she hit that phase in her life. Tracey grew up in a family where topics like menopause was not exactly to be discussed. Think British and think proper. Once she entered this phase herself she had no clue how to relate her symptoms with a possible diagnosis until hot flashes hit her. Aha, might this be the great transition? Her Western medical doctor confirmed that she indeed had entered the perimenopausal phase. That’s w
Menopause is a birthing process that, when embraced consciously, will help us transform into the powerful, authentic wise elders that our society needs so badly. In other words, menopause is an opportunity for women to transform into wise crones. Many women dread menopause. And honestly, hot flashes, night sweats, gaining weight, mood swings, hormonal changes, spiritual shifts, getting old and whatever else comes with the menopausal transition doesn’t sound very fun. The good news: it doesn’t h
The average age of menopause is 51 in the US. Entering menopause before 40 is considered premature and brings with it a higher risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Brodie Welch, herself an accomplished Chinese Medical practitioner, Yoga Health Coach and carrier of...
Every woman goes through menopause, whether she wants to or not. Of course, that only applies if she gets old enough. Although discussing this phase of life openly becomes less and less taboo with every year, we still don’t get all that much information from our elders, books aside. I don’t know about you but while my Mom is willing to share when I ask, I also have to pull every detail out of her nose. In this podcast, I want to clear up the fundamental question of “What is menopause” exactly.