Ayurveda Coaching, Yoga Health Coaching, Thai Massage

Episode #24. What is menopause? Let’s get it straight

Episode #24. What is menopause? Let’s get it straight

Every woman goes through menopause, whether she wants to or not. Of course, that only applies if she gets old enough.

Although discussing this phase of life openly becomes less and less taboo with every year, we still don’t get all that much information from our elders, books aside. I don’t know about you but while my Mom is willing to share when I ask, I also have to pull every detail out of her nose.

In this podcast, I want to clear up the fundamental question of “What is menopause” exactly. It can get kind of confusing as some women (and health care practitioners) refer to it as a point in time, while others refer to it as a phase in their lives. So let’s get it straight.

What You get from tuning in:

  • The 4 phases of menopause
  • Is Menopause a phase or a point in time?
  • What symptoms may show up?

Download your “What is Menopause” wisdom sheet to follow our conversation more easily.


Hi, it’s me, Alexandra Epple. I support women through their menopausal years and help them create the rhythm and routines they need in order for their bodies to heal themselves. You can learn all about me on the about page.

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