Ayurveda Coaching, Yoga Health Coaching, Thai Massage

How Healthy is Healthy?

Fall into Balance: Get geeky about your food in the fall

Having No Symptoms is healthy.

But what symptoms should you be looking for?

It may be hard to believe, but I can actually say that I grew up in a most amazing family. My parents were loving, I got along with my sister (at least most of the time), I had enough food, had great fun and I got to study (I loved going to school; am I weird?)

Despite all those great things there was this gnawing sense of “something isn’t quite right or enough”. That was in my early 20s. What was missing, I had no idea. I was frustrated, disillusioned, anxious and afraid of life all the time. But I was still functioning and productive and my body was healthy. So why to see a doctor?? ?The paradigm I grew up in was: I am healthy when there was no flu, no fever, no cut, no burn, no fainting – in other words when there is nothing wrong with me physically. But what about all the other parts of myself: the mind, the emotions, … and most of all my spirit connection?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, we are healthy when we are “established in the Self”

Sounds kind of grand – actually, it is. This statement suggests that we are healthy when we are balanced not only body-wise but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. We are healthy when we have CONNECTED to all parts ourselves when we know WHAT is out of balance AND are able to dance around the balanced centered with skill.

The question then is, was I really healthy in my 20s?

According to the Ayurvedic definition, definitely not. And while I knew something was off, I didn’t quite know how to classify what was going on or who to turn to for help….. Until I stumbled upon the new age community that just knew exactly what was happening and what to do about it – with yoga, Ayurveda, massage, and meditation. I am very aware now and I always know where I am on my health & wellness barometer. And when it is low or off the charts….I know what to do to raise it up.