The kitchen is the healing hub for you and your family. Knowing how to keep and stock your kitchen skillfully will bring physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. How you prepare your food and what energy you put into your meals is crucial; it is part of how to nourish and heal yourself. Each bite either supports or creates extra work for the body. Each bite matters.
The kitchen has the potential of creating a sense of abundance, nourishment, connection and healing. It is the heartbeat of the household where we can create a deep relationship with plants, a sanctuary, a big medicine cabinet. Sarah O’Neill makes us present to the feeling in our kitchen. Is your kitchen nourishing or depleting? Is it scattered or organized? Does the energy present in the kitchen feed who you want to become?
Sarah shares her top 5 strategies on how to create a kitchen that supports your vibrant health evolution. She also shares her top 5 items to have in your kitchen to turn the room into a medicine cabinet.
The most important ingredient is the consciousness of the chef
Sarah O’Neil is a wellness educator, Yoga Health Coach, and advocate for bringing mindfulness programs into schools. She teaches Kindergarten-Fifth Grade students and teachers to be in the present moment with kindness. Her experience in the healing arts, herbalism, special education, yoga, managing her own restaurant, and mothering her daughter, she has gained the tools necessary to facilitate change for women and their families.
Over the past seventeen years of managing and owning a restaurant, she has experienced overwhelming stress, anxiety and depression. She has spent years turning to quick fixes instead of seeking out long term solutions. Now Sarah is living proof that you can get back into the driver’s seat of your life, improve your health, and unlock the best parts within you. She supports women in creating space in their lives to thrive and back it up with daily actions to achieve measurable results, just like she did for herself.
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