Ayurveda Coaching, Yoga Health Coaching, Thai Massage

Episode #22. From Resolution to Reality: Make your goals & dreams come true

Episode #22. From Resolution to Reality: Make your goals & dreams come true

Almost 60% of Americans make new year’s resolutions but only 9% feel they are successful in achieving them (from Statistic Brain). This number is way too low for my taste. And I also know that it doesn’t have to be like that.

Are you amongst those setting resolutions but never really making them a reality? Do you fail miserably in implementing what you set yourself out to do at the beginning of the year? Or, maybe you don’t fail, but you would like to have a more straightforward, grounded and efficient process of implementation?

There is a method to the madness.

  • Turning resolutions into heartfelt intentions,
  • heartfelt intentions into actionable goals,
  • and actionable goals into tiny habits

is a clear strategy to turn lofty resolutions into earthy reality. Manifesting your dreams after all, it turns out, isn’t all that difficult.

In my teens and early 20s, I termed resolutions bollocks. Then, I became a yogi and learnt to set intentions. I worked with them for years and frankly, they got me quite far. Intentions connected me to my heart’s desires and narrowed my path in a way that propelled me forward.

Now that I have learnt about goal setting and habit evolution, however, I realize that using a triad of intention, goal setting and habits will get me to my desired destination a lot faster. And I mean a.lot.faster.

Having a clear action plan sets the wheels of the universe in motion. And because you are taking part in the intention download, goal setting and habit picking you get to be in the driver’s seat of your life.  And that applies to all areas of your life: health, relationships, finances, career, family, fun…. you name it.

What You get from tuning in:

  • The distinction between resolution, intention and goals
  • The importance of connecting to your heartfelt desire
  • How to turn intentions into smart goals
  • The triad of intention, goals and habits to create your dreams

Note this:

SMART stands for

S = specific
M = measurable
A = achievable
R = relevant
T = time bound


Hi, it’s me, Alexandra Epple. I help women (and some great men) to achieve their health goals …and we have fun doing it.

75% – 90% of all doctors visits are for stress related issues (says WebMD). All the more reason to come up with a powerful intention, set clear goals and create the habits you need to make that intention a reality.

I help you put those good habits into place. In my program Body Joy I explain the What, How and Why around good habits. We set them, we implement them and we support each other doing it so you can live a healthy, stress free life. I am all about you being empowered about your health.

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