Ayurveda Coaching, Yoga Health Coaching, Thai Massage

Episode #17. How to find meaning & happiness in a corporate job

Episode #17. How to find meaning & happiness in a corporate job

Many people struggle to find meaning and purpose working in the corporate environment.

Karina has worked as an electronic engineer in a big corporate company all her adult life. Initially wanting to become a dancer but having been talked out of it by her parents, she struggled with finding joy and meaning in her career. She asked to be laid off a couple of times in search of a more worthwhile path like being a yoga instructor, Thai massage therapist or aid worker in Africa.

With our conversation we want to inspire that finding meaning and joy in any task, in any workplace and in any setting is possible with the right mindset.. We want to inspire that happiness is not a byproduct of the work you do, but a feeling that arises from within, from deeply knowing yourself. Karina shares the steps she took and the practices she did that helped her remove the physical, emotional and spiritual blockages, toxins and barriers  to clearly seeing her contribution to society.

By listening to Karina, we are getting word from the street on how to tap into joy in an environment that may, in our eyes, not be ideal. Not from someone who has written a theoretical book, or is famous for teaching others but simply from someone who has followed the path of healing and empowerment, put principles into practice and through that found meaning in her work.

What You get from tuning in:

  • How to create the job and environment you want to work in
  • Tools to know yourself so you can design the life you want to live
  • Crucial steps to uncover your purpose
  • How an identity shift allows you to grow into the person you want to be
  • How Karina manages to walk around with a green smoothie while being dressed like a corporate lady

We need people with heart in the corporate world.
Could that be you?
Sometimes it is necessary to change your job to find deep joy in life.
But maybe, just maybe, working on yourself will bring that deep joy from within and you realize that what needs to change is not your environment, but your attitude.


Karina Fernandez

Karina Fernandez, originally from Argentina, has worked most of her adult life as an electronic engineer in an American corporation. She is also a dancer and yoga practitioner, and has studied various kinds of healing modalities including massage and meditation to evolve herself and her body.. She divides her time between Argentina, the US and Africa. Her mission, as of today, is to spread joy wherever she goes.

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