The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It is one of the yearly invitations to tune into the rhythms of nature. Some peoples say that at the winter solstice the moon gives birth to the sun. It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. The dark gives way to the light.
The word solstice is a combination of the latin word sol, which means sun. It also refers to the sun god. The second part of the word, sistere, means to stand still. Thus, during the solstice, the sun appears to stand still in the sky as seen from the earth.
Another way to look at it is, that the solstice celebrates the end of a gigantic six month exhale and the beginning of a massive six month inhale. And with every breath there is a bit of a pause at the end, a waiting period.
The end of the gigantic exhale is an invitation from nature to go inward, regenerate and renew. It is a beautiful opportunity to self reflect and enjoy the beauty of darkness.
Yet, in an effort to turn inward, society and culture gives us an outward pull. Think parties, get togethers, gift buying, celebrations. Annie and I discuss what the winter solstice means to us in general and how to deal with the outward pull of society.
The solstice is a time for reflection, shedding and releasing.
It is a time for self exploration.
Annie Barrett is an educator, yoga teacher and teacher trainer, a certified yoga health coach, spouse and mother of two amazing teens. She models and teaches folks how to thrive in body, mind and spirit, and how to live a purposeful and passionate life.
She has walked the householder path of yoga for 25 years, and has a true gift for making the wisdom teachings of yoga accessible and relevant to daily living. As a Certified Yoga Health Coach, she is trained and practiced in the daily habits and health principles of Ayurveda. She is all about coaching and guiding you into up-leveling your health and reaching your full potential with proven habits for vitality, health and happiness.
Her family divides their time between the evergreen forest on the edge of Olympia, WA and the Andes mountains of Pisac. Some of her favorite pastimes are: traveling, being outdoors, hiking, cooking, speaking Spanish and enjoying live music.
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