Inspiration für Dich und Deinen Wunschalltag
At the Vancouver peace summit, the Dalai Lama proclaimed: “The world will be saved by the Western woman”. And right he may be considering that as Western women we have the resources needed to make a profound impact. We also have the freedom to develop and tap into our sacred feminine power. As Western women, one by one, awaken into self-realized, authentic, spirit-embodied human beings, there will be no limits as to what we will contribute in a feminine, intuitive way to all sectors of society.
It is time for women to honor their uniqueness. As women we have physiological, mental and emotional needs different from those of men. Plowing through a job, family obligations, motherhood and life with a sense of pushing, doing and achieving is outdated, unhelpful and unhealthy. In a way, pushing is no longer an option if we don’t want to sacrifice our body. The ability to surrender plays a central role in creating the kind of feminine leadership we need in order to affect positive change in
Loss is an integral part of being human. It is part of the natural pulsation of life. Losing something is the other side of the coin of gaining something else. Loss can happen at any stage of life. Yet, the likelihood is that in midlife and beyond it becomes ever more prominent. Being able to deal with loss and death skillfully is no longer a choice but becomes a necessity. Midlife is the time when parents age and have a greater likelihood of passing on. Divorce rates are high and you may have
Intuition is a great ally and wonderful friend. It can accompany you everywhere you go, without charge. Intuition is like an energy compass guiding you toward happiness, joy and abundance. I use my intuition all the time. I would go so far as to say, I abuse it. It is my advisor, guide and trust buddy. Following its guidance helps me make big and small decisions, pick a vacation spot, decide which road to turn on, and choose massage moves and stretches for my clients. This may sound a bit odd a
Hormones are often in the forefront of women’s’ minds when observing their own health. It is almost like hormones are the bad guys that cause our bodies to be off, our breasts to sag, our moods to be whacko, our energy to be low, metabolism to be weak and our bodies to age. Winslow gives us a different perspective from the viewpoint of the gut. The central message: hormones are not the generals in charge, they are the servants. Treat your digestion like a king and your hormones will be on par.
The moon has a powerful influence on our bodies, moods and emotions. This is true particularly for women who have more water element as part of their natural make up. Just like the moon influences the tides of the ocean so its phases influence the waters in our bodies. This can be most easily seen with women’s menstruation cycle which is directed by the moon. Aligning monthly and daily activities according to the moon phases brings an easeful rhythm to our lives and peace of mind. That is true
Age 50 is a big mile marker, for men and women alike. Half of life has passed and a deep questioning phase naturally arises. “Have I done everything I want to accomplish in this lifetime? Am I doing what I really want to do?” It is not uncommon for people to quit corporate jobs in favor of more meaningful work in a non profit organization despite less pay. Some quit their householder life altogether and pursue a spiritual life in an ashram or other spiritual setting. Finding one’s life purpose,
Do you find yourself trapped on the hamster wheel of busy living? Do you constantly do stuff but don’t truly grow or progress in life? Do you sacrifice taking care of yourself in favor of other seemingly more important tasks? Sound familiar? Well, rest assured you are not alone. One of the biggest obstacles people face when it comes to productivity, focus, self-care and happiness is, you guessed it, lack of time. A never ending to do list hangs doomfully over your shoulder, urgent tasks need to
The kitchen is the healing hub for you and your family. Knowing how to keep and stock your kitchen skillfully will bring physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. How you prepare your food and what energy you put into your meals is crucial; it is part of how to nourish and heal yourself. Each bite either supports or creates extra work for the body. Each bite matters. The kitchen has the potential of creating a sense of abundance, nourishment, connection and healing. It is the heartbeat of