Inspiration für Dich und Deinen Wunschalltag
Und hier ist die #1 Grund, warum das ist so… Als ich zum ersten Mal ein tiefes Eintauchen in das Thema der Wechseljahre nahm, dachte ich mir: wäre es nicht schön, ein positives Angebot rund um Wechseljahre mit meinen Frauen-Kunden zu teilen. Nun, das Problem war, eine positive Zitat war hart, vorbei zu kommen. 95 % der Nachrichten, die ich gefunden wurden entweder negativ oder sarkastisch. Überprüfen Sie sie heraus: “nächste Stimmungsumschwung in 6 Minuten, Angst, gr
Es gibt nichts von Natur aus pathologischen oder schlecht über Wechseljahre. Die Menopause ist ein natürlicher Übergang im Leben einer Frau… ja, der Schwerpunkt liegt auf natürlichen. Es ist nur eine Übergangszeit, die, weil sie mit sich viele Veränderungen in Körper und Geist bringt, ist oft verwirrend, verwirrend und über Frauen. Im Idealfall sollten Sie, dass der Übergang zu Aquafitness, würden Sie nicht? Ja, die Dinge ändern, aber die Fahrt sollte glatt sein. Así bekannte Aut
Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, warum Ihre Erfahrung der Wechseljahre so intensiv ist, während deine Freundin scheint nur durch ihn oder umgekehrt zu cruisen? Warum ist einer von euch mit Hitzewallungen, starke Stimmungsschwankungen, Angstzustände und Herzklopfen zu kämpfen, während der andere nicht? Warum ist einer von euch massive Gewichtszunahme und die andere scheint dünner zu bekommen, je mehr sie isst? Ich bekomme es, es kann frustrierend sein! Die gute Na
Travelling can be uprooting and nerve wrecking for the most robust of us. With the holidays right around the corner you may find yourself in a car, airplane or, if you are amongst the nogaltics, in a train towards destination “loved ones”. Having traveled extensively myself over the past 20 years I know how uncomfortable plane seats and gas station toilets can be. You may arrive feeling molded to the cushion you sat on for the past however many hours. Arriving exhausted, with an aching body and
Work can take over. Life can take over, leaving little room for fun and relaxation. That is if we are not intentional about how we use time and implement strategies to direct our day. Annie is the mother of 2, well-preneur, yoga health coach and someone who intentionally creates ease in her life. She walks her talk. We chat about key tools to become master of your time, get a S#%! load done and create more room for quiet and fun. We usually think of time as a fixed entity. After all, there are
Many people struggle to find meaning and purpose working in the corporate environment. Karina has worked as an electronic engineer in a big corporate company all her adult life. Initially wanting to become a dancer but having been talked out of it by her parents, she struggled with finding joy and meaning in her career. She asked to be laid off a couple of times in search of a more worthwhile path like being a yoga instructor, Thai massage therapist or aid worker in Africa. With our conversati
Tara has chosen a path to heal breast cancer that is completely outside of mainstream norm. She said ‘No’ to chemotherapy, ‘No’ to radiation and instead chose the natural healing route with diet, herbs and many other natural healing protocols. A path that in my opinion requires tremendous courage, trust and clarity given the approach of mainstream society. In this podcast, she shares with us the ups and downs of her healing journey, what she does on a daily basis, how she copes and how she is h
At the Vancouver peace summit, the Dalai Lama proclaimed: “The world will be saved by the Western woman”. And right he may be considering that as Western women we have the resources needed to make a profound impact. We also have the freedom to develop and tap into our sacred feminine power. As Western women, one by one, awaken into self-realized, authentic, spirit-embodied human beings, there will be no limits as to what we will contribute in a feminine, intuitive way to all sectors of society.
Menopause marks the death of your old Self and rebirth of your new Self. It is a portal for transformation in pretty much every woman’s life. While the first part of life is all about accumulation – think finances, house, husband, children, stuff, career – the second half of life is all about simplification. Letting go of stuff, relationships, outdated belief systems, emotional and bodily toxins becomes crucial in this phase of life. Detoxing on all those levels clears the path to your future s